Sunday, 4 October 2015

VERIDIA and Manic Drive Concert

Well, I haven't been very faithful in blogging this summer. Especially with a concert coming up. Now here I am, a few days after the concert finally blogging again about what actually occurred.

So, first a little catch up. My last post was that I had booked VERIDIA. Since then I had to find an opening band, work on the promotion and get it out to everyone, bring in sound equipment and lights for the production, organize a crew for the day, plan food, hotels, work with the local Christian radio station, and the list goes on. It's a good thing I had a few concert planning guides from attendstar and Concert Ideas. They were a big help in making sure I had all the bases covered. The websites are United States based and these organizations help with tickets and promotion in the US. So I couldn't use there services, but their information was great.

I tried to book a number of opening bands but was not having much success. On a whim is sent a note to Manic Drive. I didn't think  they would be interested in the small venue and the cost would probably be out of reach for me. Well, was I in for a surprise. Not only were they willing to be part of this concert, they would bring all the sound equipment and lights for the production for the show as well. And their cost for all of that was right in line with where it would work for this event. That contract as easy to sign and seal.

This past Thursday, Oct 1st, the concert was held. It was a long day, but what a blast! The guys from Manic Drive arrived around 11:00. After introductions and touring the church, we got to work loading in all of the equipment. Mostly they directed where and we hauled it in. The took the lead in setting things up, but even then they used the volunteer help to do a lot of lifting and moving. I was surprised at how quickly we were working as a team. A little after 2:30, everything was up an tested for Manic Drive and then the VERIDIA team arrived. So we started all over again with loading them in and setting up their set. At first I was a little worried we were in for some conflict when the VERIDIA guys had to work around. That was a short lived worry. The guys from Manic Drive and VERIDIA quickly talked through the set up, what was needed where and how the stage could accommodate both sets. Before long we were reorganizing things to have it all come together. Not long after that sound checks were done, the band merchandise areas were set up and everyone was ready for some dinner. Sometimes I think this part is as good as the concert itself. Band members, stage hands, volunteer crew, and a few extras all having a relaxing meal together, sharing stories and lots of laughter.

Of course, dinner is followed by the concert. There was a fairly good turn out, although we could have had a lot more people there. But the best part of a small show is everyone can get in close and really connect with the bands and visa versa. The bands had a good time. Those in attendance had a good time. That to me, is the measure of success!

The green men, getting into the crowd

Hard to believe we put this in our church, 30' LED, turn tables, lights. WOW!

VERIDIA connecting with audience

Deena and the joy of performing
Until next time, keep listening to the music, or better yet, show your support of the artists and go to their shows.

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